Some time ago a pair of
players had a hand much like this one:
West East
♠ K2 ♠ 53
♥ AK974 ♥ 32
♦ KJ98 ♦ AQT742
♣ 96 ♣ AJ4
♠ K2 ♠ 53
♥ AK974 ♥ 32
♦ KJ98 ♦ AQT742
♣ 96 ♣ AJ4
West North East South
1H 1S 2D 2S
3D Pass 4C Pass
4D Pass 5D Pass
Pass Pass
3D Pass 4C Pass
4D Pass 5D Pass
Pass Pass
East played in 5 Diamonds and went down one after a Spade lead.
North took two Spade winners, and the defense later got a Club trick when the
Heart suit did not divide well.
This is a disaster for East-West because West can make 3 No Trump.
There is no defense to it. How do you think the bidding should have gone? Some
players thought that West should bid No Trump instead of raising Diamonds, but
that seems like a biased view. For all West knew, slam in Diamonds was
There is a convention that would have gotten West to 3 No Trump.
It has many names, but the most popular is the Western Cue bid.
The way it works is simple. The opponents have bid a suit but your
side is marked with most of the HCP. If your side has not found a major suit
fit and if it is clear that your side does not have a major suit contract
available, a cue-bid of the opponents’ suit does not show a control, as do many
cue-bids. It instead says, “I think we can make 3 No Trump if you have a
stopper in their suit.” In other words, it's "asking" and not
On this hand, East could have bid 3 Spades instead of 4 Clubs,
asking, "Do you have a spade stopper?" West does have a Spade stopper
and bids 3 No Trump. West is not worried about Clubs because East has suggested
that the hand be played in no trump, so East must not be worried about Clubs.
Further, no one has bid them and East rates to have something in Clubs given he
has shown a good hand. In any event, West must trust his partner that Clubs
won't be a problem and answer East's question, "Do you have a Spade
stopper?" by bidding 3N.
Here is another
West East
♠ AQ ♠ 874
♥ 87 ♥ QJ92
♦ AKJ875 ♦ Q942
♣ JT8 ♣ A9
♠ AQ ♠ 874
♥ 87 ♥ QJ92
♦ AKJ875 ♦ Q942
♣ JT8 ♣ A9
West North East South
2D P 3D P
3H* P 3N P
* Western Cue
South opens 1
Heart and West bids 2 Diamonds. West does not have enough to double first and
so is obliged to overcall. East makes a good raise to 3 Diamonds. Do not forget
to raise your partner’s overcalls when you have support. A raise does a lot of
good. West can see six likely Diamond tricks, and with South opening the
bidding it is pretty sure that if a Spade finesse is needed, it will work. So
West bids 3 Hearts, asking if East has a Heart stopper. He does and he bids 3
No Trump as requested because 3 No Trump will make almost all the time. It
would take extremely bad luck to go down.
One big advantage to the
Western Cue bid is that the person with the stopper is declarer, so the lead
will be by her LHO and thus into her stopper. If the person without the stopper
is playing the hand, the lead will go through the person with the stopper,
which often means that it's not a stopper after all.
Western Cue only applies
when you do not have a major suit fit. If you do have a major suit fit, cue
bidding opponents' suit generally means you have first round control, either a
void or the ace of that suit.