Here’s your
hand which was played recently in a club game:
♠ 9843
♥ A7
♦ A4
♣ T9652
South West North East
P 1D!
1H P* 2D** 4D***
P ?
* West
should make a negative double here, showing at least six HCP and four spades
** Limit raise (10-12 HCP) or better (but since
north is a passed hand it is clearly not more than 12 HCP). North stretched
here but with 4 card support and a doubleton, this is a reasonable limit raise.
Extra values (16+ HCP) and at least a six card suit, probably
High Card
Points aren't the be all and end all in hand evaluation. Another aid in
evaluating hands is called "The Losing Trick Count" (LTC). There have
been entire books written on it, but I believe in keeping the game simple and
this explanation is really simple.
First you
count your "losers." For this method, there is a maximum of three
losers in every suit. They are offset by high honors. So if you have a heart
suit consisting of the 9,7,5,3, and deuce, you have three losers, the maximum.
But if the suit is Ace, 7, 5, and 3, you only have two losers because the Ace
is a winner. With AQ753, you only count one loser because you have two of the
top three honors. Q532 would be two losers because the queen is not a loser.
But Q5 would be two losers because a doubleton queen is a loser. Q53 is counted
as ½ loser. AKJ would be one loser. AKJ432 would still be only one loser. Get
the picture? I hope so because that ends the explanation.
After you
determine how many losers are in your hand, you listen to partner's bid. If she
gives you a one over one raise, she should have 8-10 losers. A typical opening
hand has 6-7 losers. A limit raise has eight losers, no more. Any bid that
shows extra values, like an invitational jump, or a jump shift, should be
evaluated as five losers or less.
After you
hear partner's response, you add her losers to your losers and subtract the total
from 24 and that's the number of tricks you should take. So if you open with a seven
loser hand and she raises your suit, she has at least eight losers, maybe more. That's 15
losers between you. Subtract that from 24 and the difference is nine. That's
the maximum number of tricks you should take and not enough for game. If,
however, you open a major suit with six losers and she gives you a limit raise,
that promises not more than eight losers. 8+6=14. 24-14=10 tricks, so you
should bid game.
There is a
big caveat here, however. The losing trick count should only be used after you
have found a trump fit. If you don’t have at least 8 trumps between you, you
should not evaluate your hand using LTC.
Here’s the
entire hand where using LTC would have found the game:
West East
♠ 9843 ♠
♥ A7 ♥
♦ A4 ♦
♣ T9652 ♣
As to the
bidding, however, East could open this hand 2C because she has 9 sure tricks,
seven diamonds and two spades, which qualifies for a strong 2C opening bid.
I’ll have
more on LTC in future columns.